Canine distemper virus antibody (CDV Ab)

Catalog No.





Height: 60mm, Length: 300mm, Height: 84mm, Length: 300mm

Intended Use

The CDV Antibody Rapid Test Device (Serum/Plasma) is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for semi-quantitative detection of Canine Distemper Virus Antibody in canine’s serum or plasma.

Product Description


The CDV Antibody Rapid Test Device (Serum/Plasma) is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for semi-quantitative detection of Canine Distemper Virus Antibody in canine’s serum or plasma.


CDV infects different cell types, including epithelial, mesenchymal, neuroendocrine and hematopoietic cells of various organs and tissues. A diphasic fever is a characteristic feature of the disease, occurring 7 or 8 days after infection, that drops rapidly and again climbs by day 11 or 12. Clinical signs of distemper are often unapparent or initially mild during this time, and the disease is characterized by mucopurulent oculonasal discharges, conjunctivitis, respiratory distress, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration, and cutaneous rash. Additional clinical signs that may occur are localized twitching, ascending paresis/paralysis, and/or convulsions. Hyperkeratosis of the foot pads and nose also may occur. Dogs that recover from acute disease with persistent infection may shed virus in urine and through the skin on the foot pads.
Domestic dogs are the main host for CDV and could also be considered as a reservoir for other mammals. Due to its high morbidity and mortality rates and broad host range, CDV is not only a well-known pathogen of domestic dogs but also one of the most important pathogens of mammals with the ability to jump the species barrier and perhaps even infect humans.


The CDV Antibody Rapid Test Device (Serum/Plasma) is based on sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay. The test device has a testing window for the observation of assay running and result reading. The testing window has an invisible T (test) zone and a C (control) zone before running the assay. When the treated sample was applied into the sample well on the device, the liquid will laterally flow through the surface of the test strip and react with the pre-coated CDV antigens. If there are anti-CDV antibodies in the specimen, a visible T line will appear. The C line should always appear after a sample is applied, which indicates a valid result.

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